XLS Padlock 2.1 is out - 10/20/15

Our Excel workbook protection software has been updated with several new features. Enjoy! :smile:

We recommend all users to upgrade if their maintenance hasn’t expired.

Go to http://www.xlspadlock.com for further information and downloads.

:bulb: What’s new in v2.1:

  • Full support for Excel 2016 (retail and Office 365), both 32-bit and 64-bit versions.
  • New License Agreement or EULA dialog box at startup: you can display your own End User License Agreement before opening the compiled workbook. End users must accept this agreement once prior to using the workbook.
  • New “Use faster compression algorithm” feature: use it if you prefer to give priority to workbook loading speed rather to EXE size.
  • New “Prevent loading/saving other workbooks” security feature.
  • XLS Padlock is now accessible from the Excel context menu if your Excel workbook is configured to hide all ribbons.
  • New French and Dutch languages.
  • New Advanced Option: Show Developer Tab.
  • New Advanced Option (for users who get ERegistryException error): Use another registry key for storing activation data.
  • New VBA API to save non encrypted workbooks.
  • New VBA API to detect if the secured worbook is in trial state or not.
  • Fixed: “Save As” dialog not expected in Excel 2007.
  • Fixed: when “ribbons and toolbars” are disabled, table and picture ribbons were still visible.
  • Updated VBA code snippets in the user guide to avoid the “Subscript out of range” VBA error.
  • Enhanced user guide.
  • Minor improvements.