i have a problem to stop the program, make a update, and restart the program.
i use the HTTPserver on Port 8080 with automated start option for the index.exe
i have everything ready to make automated updates for my software
i call from php a batch. that call an powerscript.
then i make the StopMyHTTPServer
then i make the StopMyApp
the program closed from the hescript
the powerscript starts to work
The powerscript stops the service, if one.
copy the new version over the old version
start service, if one
restart the program (index.exe new version)
But i get an error. everything i try. i get the same Error.
the new version starts, but i get the Error and the http server did not work.
Error Message 1: Could not bind socket
Eroor Message 2: Could not start the external HTTP server
The new index.exe starts an run.
But no HTTP server.
And i need the HTTP Server
procedure StopMyHTTPServer;
// Stops the HTTP server
procedure StopMyApp;
// Stops the App