Popups have the capability of resizing easily. Is there a way to resize a new window when using the target _henewinstance?
When opening the main window in non full screen mode, the child window is the exact same size and if the user wasn’t aware that there there is actually another window on top. If I set the program to open the main window in full screen then _henewinstance opens all new child windows in full screen mode as well.
Popups pop up as you set them in the UI or a procedure. Can this be done to new windows opened by _henewinstance? I want to protect the source at the same time I do not want my end users confused by over laying new windows over the main window. It would help if they were cascaded to show that there are now two windows open. I have looked through all the documentation that I have access to and I haven’t found anything using the _henewinstance and parameters.
Is this possible by scripting or can this be added to the next release? I have requested the SDK kit with an email, for added documentation, since purchasing a commercial license.