New ExeOutput's function in the next update

It would be useful to many users to have a function to recall an external link (website url, url CRM software on cloud, IP address, etc.) and test whether the internet connection is present or not present pinging an web address. (not only during loading exeoutput compiled file but during the navigation between the pages)

I currently use an electron function for this type of request.

The possibility of not compiling any version of PHP with this function would also be useful, making exeoutput lighter and more efficient.

Is it a JavaScript function? If yes, which one?

No, in javascript or in php (in php is possible to use ping method) is possible to control only on load the page the first time if the internet connection is active.

i use a node js script to test if the internet is disponible when a link is clicked.

there are much method, one is: npm i check-internet-connected

but i use in my main:

ipcMain.on(‘online-status-changed’, (event, status) => {
if (status == true) { loadWebContent(); }

You have a solution without node.js and that should work in ExeOutput: