Need help for XLS Padlock woocommerce Integration Kit setup

I am trying to setup the XLS Padlock woocommerce Integration Kit through the pdf guide book that has been provided but I am having some issue here.

on the step " 5.3. Set up local encryption key" I am running the /setupkey.php url on my wordpress website but it is not showing any validation key file location. Please see the image -

I have tried it couple of times with deleting and readding the files but it shows the same.

there is supposed to be a file location in the “Successfully generated validation key file at .”
here is the pdf guide screenshot -

How can I solve this issue and successfully setup the XLS Padlock woocommerce Integration Kit in my wordpress website?

Answered to your email requests.
For other users: the guide lists the server requirements needed to run the kit properly.

  • PHP 8.1 or greater
  • PHP CURL and JSON extensions enabled
  • PHP Archive PHAR must be enabled (by default it is)
  • Your server must handle the PUT HTTP Method. Otherwise, please ask your webhost to enable it.
  • WooCommerce 7+
  • WordPress 6+


The web host is right Wordpress, so i am using the native platform for the plug in,
Also when i input the base activation url. there is no interactable button or response from padlock. i click enter, edit add,remove. and nothing at all happens,
No back prompts to understand if it’s working,wrong or whatever issue

Looking forward to your reply,
Thanks and regards

(attachments) may not handle all the requirements listed above. Please ask their support team.
Thanks for the screenshot BTW.
I noticed a typo in the URL:

Thanks for your answer

I am just confused i am sorry.
I fixed the base url ,and xls padlock just gives any interaction back once there,creating more confusion and not understanding if it’s working or not,
on the guide it says that when the process is completed it should be working ,and also when i prompt the php it says that is active and working fine(as in screenshot).
I do have a site on webflow and just to make this part done i created it on wordpress to integrate it there.

I am just confused now on who’s the issue and why is not working and how to be fixed.

When the purchase id one no email gets sent with the Token ,and when i force to send again the email manually ,no email get sent .

How can Wordpress handle it when i can’t even adress what’s not working …please i need some guidance about it ,

Question 2:
I do have a big file and 12 more spreadsheets that i want to pack in one only .exe file .and let users open whatever one they want once accessed the key. when i add the other files on xls padlock they just don’t pop and is impossible to open them except the main spreadsheet,
How can be fixed this ?

Looking forwards to hear back

As long as the local encryption key is not successfully created, it won’t work.
You can also check your PHP error log to find out about possible errors.

While it’s possible to pack 12 workbooks, you would have to write a menu workbook yourself with links to the 12 other workbooks. Then, this menu workbook would be the main and the 12 workbooks would be the integrated as companion files.
The menu workbook could hold buttons or links with VBA commands to open the other workbooks.