Hello there,
I am using exeoutput for very first time, i am running a script with infinite loop but the script does not exit when user closes the window. so i created a function that checks if a file exits named “
kill” onexo_getglobalvariable(‘HEPubStorageLocation’, ‘’)
procedure OnCloseWindow(WindowName: String);
// When a window is closed by the user.
can you tell me how to i create a file using that procedure OnCloseWindow on HEPubStorageLocation?
Hmmm, maybe you can call a page on closing or omething like that and retrieve the information needed, and then parse it to HEScript… See http://davidwalsh.name/php-cookies for more informations about cookies and PHP…
Or call a javascript code that read the cookie information and then parse it to a HEScript, see http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_cookies.asp for more information about JS and cookies…
Unfortunately, I can’t find any way to read cookies directly from HEscript, it’ll need some workaround on your side
[quote=“k1ng440”]Hello there,
I am using exeoutput for very first time, i am running a script with infinite loop but the script does not exit when user closes the window. so i created a function that checks if a file exits named “
kill” onexo_getglobalvariable(‘HEPubStorageLocation’, ‘’)
procedure OnCloseWindow(WindowName: String);
// When a window is closed by the user.
can you tell me how to i create a file using that procedure OnCloseWindow on HEPubStorageLocation?
Looking forward to your immediate response,
You can try this code to create your “kill” text file in HEPubStorageLocation:
procedure OnCloseWindow(WindowName: String);
S: String;
T: TStringList;
T := TStringList.Create;
// Sets the contents.
T.Text := "stopscript";
// Saves the file.
S := GetGlobalVar("HEPubStorageLocation", "");
if S = "" then exit;
// b) Appends the filename
S := IncludeTrailingBackslash(S) + "kill";