Help with file download

I have 2 problems downloading files

1: I open a popup window to download the files, but while it is downloading the rest of the program freezes waiting for it to finish downloading. How can I solve it and do as on bowser which considers 2 separate processes?

2: If I upload too many files at once it freezes immediately giving me this error
“PHP Error: Out of memory” I acted on the php.ini file but I can’t find a solution

can you help me?

I solved the problem by creating a second app and .exe file.
Now I try to call the upload.exe file that is in the same folder as the main program.

In the main program I create a component button that refers to a php file where I have these lines

$path= exo_getglobalvariable(‘HEPublicationPath’,‘’).‘D20Upload.exe’;


to start the upload.exe file

but strangely it doesn’t work, the path is correct, but it opens the white page of the file that contains the code just written instead of starting the exe file.

I have to activate something to make exec($path) work

To run an executable file, you can also try this:

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