Go back to exeoutput 2021

Hi, Im having serious issues with chromium in version 2024. I constantly get blank pages and when I check errors in PHP or Javascript everything looks OK. However, if I go to the devTools I get the message “Debugging connection was closed. Reason: Render process gone”. Which suggest chromium rendering is messed up. I disabled several things in chromium: --js-flags=“–max-old-space-size=4096” --disable-site-isolation-trials --disable-features=RendererCodeIntegrity also --disable-gpu
but the problem still happening randomly (sometimes the page is loaded sometimes not). This wasn’t happening in the previous version and the only thing I did was move the same app to Exeoutput 2024. So I’m wondering if I can go back to the 2021, and how can I do it, where can i get it. Thanks

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You can find all downloads, including old releases, at My Account Sign In - ExeOutput for PHP
That’s strange indeed that the updated CEF engine does not work for you.

Hi Fenoma,

does the screen becomes visible when you “resize” the window?
I experience the same sometimes. Usually resizing fixes it.

But I had the issue with 2021 as well.

Hi Matthias, thanks for the reply. Sadly my app is in kiosk mode, so no chances to resize the window. Still strange problem, with the 2021 version was very stable and the app doesn’t consume high resources, so i will try to go back and see if it works.

If you agree, you can send us your EXE file (and EXOP project file) so that we can debug it to find out what could be wrong. If yes, you can zip them and upload them to https://wetransfer.com
This is a free file hosting service: after upload, they will give you a URL. Please send us this URL so that we can download the Zip archive.

Hi!, oh that sounds amazing. Sure here is the link to download the files:

Anyway I downgrade the 2021 version of Exeoutput and it worked like a charm. I think the problem is related with the multithread and chromium, but i’m not so sure.

If you need something else, just let me know.
