ExeOutput for PHP License Activated but Still Showing Trial Version Message in .exe File"

I have purchased the ExeOutput for PHP license and successfully activated it. However, I still can’t modify the ‘Legal Trademarks’ section in the Icon/version info. Additionally, when I build using the command line as follows: ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\GDG Software\ExeOutput for PHP 2024\EXO4PHP.EXE’ C:\xampp\htdocs\builded\ailu.exop /c/q/s, my .exe file still shows ‘This application was built with ExeOutput for PHP TRIAL available at http://www.exeoutput.com. REDISTRIBUTION IS PROHIBITED: PURCHASE A LICENSE.’ Can someone please help me?"

If you have not yet purchased the “No branding option”, you will have to do that. Look at very bottom of this page for the no branding option: https://www.exeoutput.com/store

Sorry, I cannot help with command Iine, never even used the feature.

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Answered to your email request.

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hi, are there anyway for run console app silently ?

You can create a batch file that starts the console application without opening a new window. Here’s how you can do it:

@echo off
start /min "" "path\to\your\app.exe"
  • /min starts the program minimized, which effectively hides it if you have no GUI.
  • The empty quotes "" after /min are required to prevent start from treating the path as the title of the window.