Error messages in the "about" box (SOLVED)

I have two error messages in my «about» box. I have one in line 55, caracter 52, Error “)” expected. Code 0. I have another in the same about box at line 91, caracter 34 error “)” expected. Where is line 55 and caracter 52 indicated? I have no idea since the lines are not numbered. Where can these be found and how?
I am not able to make the appropriate corrections since I cannot find them. Do you have any idea?
Thank you for your support.

In HTMLExe 4, the HTML editor now displays line numbers. Until that, you can try to copy your HTML source code to clipboard and paste it into NotePad or Notepad++ that will show you line numbers.

I have used my Web Expert programme and was able to view the lines numbered and also check for programming mistakes.
Thank you.