Im trying to move my exeout 2021 to 2024.2.
My whole .exe file is made to save links to windows files and make links to users.
I need to run chromium v 109 because of the about;blank#blocked.
And now all of my urls are encoded, i am using swedish letter å ä ö, they where not encoded in 2021, and i dont seem to find any option to disable this in 2024?
åäö = %C3%A5%C3%A4%C3%B6 and this do not work opening files in windows.
Also it does not work decoding, tried javascript decoding also.
Sure, but it might not be as easy to try. You would need my sqlite database and my config files for path’s to make it run.
Would some screenshots from my settings in exeoutput and code from how i pull my links be enough?
If i just make a new index.html with this code the link would be: C:\Hej%C3%A5%C3%A4%C3%B6.txt
If i just write åäö in the page, it is displayed as i write it.
No matter what i try to decode it with or change charset to, its still encoded.
(I do not need to do any encoding in my code except that i did replace + with %20 in exeoutput 2021 for the links to work in windows)