I follow all the guide tutorial steps of the online activaction toolkit, and when I try to activate the workbook, it says:
Corrupted data received from application. Please retry and contact the support if the error persists
If I bypass the part of the maincontroller that throws this, I get “invalid activation key”.
In the config.ini file I have set up the things correctly, corresponding to the xlslock preferences when compiling
; ====== Modify the following parameters for your workbook ======
; ** Your XLS Padlock user ID – must begin with xps- **
xlspadlockuserid = “xps-939******” ;“xps-123456”
; ** Master key of your workbook **
; Set the Application Master Key, as defined in your XLS Padlock project. This master key is used to generate the activation key.
; It is strictly confidential: do not share it with anyone
xlspadlockmasterkey = “35CA3006BF6AC682901A638F6” ;“FE9958CACCA8E446178AB997D”
; ** Security private key of your workbook **
; Used to be sure that another application can’t use this online webapp to generate its keys.
xlspadlockpkey = “{11961FF0-A4EC-446C-91B0-947993E8D74A}” ;“{FE0F8E30-1E17-4E01-91BA-D0EED421C834}”
; ** Key parameters **
usehardwarelocking = 1
; ========================
; Do not modify below