Avast antivirus and XLSpadlock v2.4 - SOLVED

Avast stopped and deleted my compiled application. I had compiled with XLSpadlock v2.4. the only way to get it to stop deleting it and allow it to run is to manually exclude it from being scanned by the antivirus.

i then had to warn my client (who is not resident in the same country) that he may have to do the same.

it appears that even when you tell avast to exclude it during the warning scan period, it still will go ahead and delete the file.

I would suggest that the compiled files be copied to the hard drive first, and then the exclusions applied

When you compile an EXE file, you should always temporarily disable your antivirus program. Because if you regularly update an EXE file, your antivirus will classify it as a possible virus.

Many thanks for the tip,

I will note it for the future!


Mark Los